Soft robotics
Robotic systems made from physically soft materials are important due to their inherently safe human interactions and non-linear characteristics. We focus on soft robots and actuators with soft polymers and responsive materials to develop new actuation systems, improve performance and achieve new capabilities.
- Li, M., Pal, A., Byun, J., Gardi, G., Sitti, M. (2023). Magnetic Putty as a Reconfigurable, Recyclable, and Accessible Soft Robotic Material. Advanced Materials, 35. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202304825
- Feng, W., Pal, A., Wang, T., Ren, Z., Yan, Y., Lu, Y., Yang, H., Sitti, M. (2023). Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Polymeric Coatings for Colorful Artificial Muscles and Motile Humidity Sensor Skin Integrated with Magnetic Composites. Advanced Functional Materials, 33. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202300731
Mechanical instabilities
A mechanical instability is when a system experiences a rapid transition from a stable state because of a drastic reduction of its stiffness, leading to large deformations. Soft materials can accommodate these large deformations, enabling the use of mechanical instabilities as a programmable robotic actuation method.
- Pal, A. & Sitti, M. (2023). Programmable mechanical devices through magnetically tunable bistable elements. PNAS, 120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2212489120
Mechanical metamaterials
Mechanical metamaterials are rationally designed structures of geometrical architecture leading to unusual physical and mechanical properties. We utilize a careful selection of both (local) design and materials to achieve new properties and programmed function, otherwise inaccessible with natural materials.
- Zhang, M., Pal, A., Zheng, Z., Gardi, G., Yildiz, E., Sitti, M. (2023). Hydrogel muscles powering reconfigurable micro-metastructures with wide-spectrum programmability. Nature Materials, 22, 1243-1252. DOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01649-3
- Pal, A., Nadiger, V. G., Goswami, D., Martinez, R. V. (2020). Conformal, waterproof electronic decals for wireless monitoring of sweat and vaginal pH at the point-of-care. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 160. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112206
- Omniphobic paper-based smart bandage devices (2020) by Martinez, R. V. & Pal, A. → U.S. Patent Application US16/812,438
- Waterproof electronic decals for wireless monitoring of biofluids (2021) by Martinez, R. V. & Pal, A. → U.S. Patent Application US17/228,615
For further information, please get in touch with

Aniket Pal
Jun.-Prof. Dr.Principal Investigator
[Image: Aniket Pal]