This image shows Felix Fritzen

Felix Fritzen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Math. techn.

Head of department
Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB)
Data Analytics in Engineering
[Photo: Felix Fritzen]


+49 711 685 66283

Business card (VCF)

Universitätsstraße 32
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.332

Office Hours

on demand


The Heisenberg professorship for Data Analytics in Engineering is embedded into the Cluster of Excellence Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech, EXC-2075 - DFG project number 390740016).

Scientific research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • data-driven surrogate models
  • uncertainty quantification for mechanical problems
  • image-based surrogate models
  • computational mechanics of materials
  • development of nonlinear model order reduction methods
  • high performance simulation of multiscale problems
  • microstructure modeling
  • material modeling

Winter term
Data processing for engineers and scientists (see C@MPUS, module 100040) - since 2019

Summer term
Introduction to model order reduction of mechanical systems (see C@MPUS, module 67150) - since 2015
SimTech-Seminar (BSc.) (see C@MPUS, module 40640) - starting 2020.

Previous academic positions

since 01.2020
Heisenberg Professor (W3) for Data Analytics in Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), University of Stuttgart (www)

03.2015 - 01.2020
head of DFG Emmy Noether group EMMA - Efficient Methods for Mechanical Analysis - project number 257987586, grant DFG FR2702/6, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), University of Stuttgart (www)

research stay at the Kochmann research group at California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), USA

03.2012 - 02.2015
head of KIT Young Investigator Group Computer Aided Material Modeling (YIG CAMM) in the scope of the Excellence Initiative

06-10.2010 and 02-04.2012
research stays at Centre des Matériaux, Mines ParisTech, Evry, France

05.2011 - 02.2012
Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics of KIT

Academic training

09.2006 - 05.2011
Phd.  at KIT, thesis title: Microstructural modelling and homogenization of the physically linear and nonlinear constitutive behaviour of micro-heterogenous materials - degree: Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude/with distinction)
reviewers: Prof. T. Böhlke (KIT), Prof. S. Forest (Ecole des Marines, Paris), Prof. M.Geers (TU Eindhoven)

04.2004 - 03.2007
study of Mathematics of Technology at KIT - degree: Dipl.-Math.techn. (1,5)

10.2001 - 08.2006
study of Mechanical Engineering at KIT - degree: Dipl.-Ing. (with distinction 1,0)

2014 nomination for and participation at the Global Young Scentist Summit (GYSS@one-north), Singapore

nomination for the ECCOMAS Phd Award, participation at the YIC Phd Olympiad 2012 in Aveiro (Portugal)

nomination as GAMM Junior; spokesperson 2012

KIT Phd. Award "Materie und Materialien"

Carl-Benz-Award, Mechanical Engineering, KIT

0000-0003-4926-0068 (open in new window)

Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC-2075 - project number 390740016. (link)

The Heisenberg Professorship for Data Analytics in Engineering is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) - project number 406068690, grant FR2702/8. (link)

The Emmy Noether group EMMA - Efficient Methods for Mechanical Analysis is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) - project number 257987586, grant FR2702/6. (link)

Information regarding previous projects and related funding by DFG is available on GEPRIS. (link)

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