
Our portfolio comprises experimental testing, material modeling, advanced numerical methods, data-driven and data-integrated approaches

Chair of Materials Theory (MAT)

Chair of Continuum Mechanics (CONT)

In one of the focus areas of research at the Chair of Continuum Mechanics are elastomeric and polymeric materials, for which numerical modeling, mechanical characterization (in experimental facilities) and rheological description is performed. Another research aspect is given by investigations of multi-phase and/or porous materials, for instance through computational homogenization, physical modeling and Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). Finally, image-based characterization (among others) is available in the labs associated to the Porous Media Lab (PML).

Research of the Chair of Continuum Mechanics

Heisenberg Group for Data Analytics in Engineering (DAE)

Data-driven modeling and simulation, data-supported solvers, reduced order modeling and advanced numerical methods are in the heart of our research. Visit the Data Analytics in Engineering homepage for more details.

Research of Data Analytics in Engineering


This image shows Holger Steeb

Holger Steeb

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Institute Director

This image shows Sekretariat




[Photo: Sälzer-Sekundarschule]

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