Welcome to the website of the Chair of Materials Theory at the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the University of Stuttgart.
Our research interests are driven by the desire to develop advanced simulation methods for engineering problems with complex solid material response. The overall objective is to establish concepts for the predictive analysis and optimization of material behavior based on the material's microstructure and its evolution. This includes mathematical formulations of theoretical and computational models with an emphasis on continuum physics and materials theory, construction of advanced homogenization techniques, development of variational concepts as well as robust and efficient numerical implementations.
Our teaching activities cover courses for undergraduate and graduate students in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Medical Engineering, Simulation Technology and Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the University of Stuttgart. The undergraduate courses treat elementary engineering subjects, such as statics, strength of materials, fluid mechanics and solid dynamics. Graduate courses focus on theoretical and computational aspects of Continuum Mechanics and the associated Theory of Materials with an accent on computational implementations. The aim of the curriculum is to impart an analytical and goal-oriented way of thinking that links theory and numerics and thus allows the solution of complex engineering problems.

Marc-André Keip
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Chair Holder
[Image: Marc-André Keip]