Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 3.104
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by arrangement
All publications:
- Wachsmann, S. B., Ruf, M., Prinz, C., Oehlsen, N., Zhou, X., Dyballa, M., Arweiler, C., Leistner, P., Steeb, H., Garrecht, H., Laschat, S., & Stegbauer, L. (2024). Chitin/chitosan biocomposite foams with chitins from different organisms for sound absorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
- Shokri, J., Ruf, M., Lee, D., Mohammadrezaei, S., Steeb, H., & Niasar, V. (2024). Exploring carbonate rock dissolution dynamics and the influence of rock mineralogy in CO2 injection. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(6), Article 6.
- Maucher, C., Kang, Y., Bechler, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., Möhring, H.-C., & Hampp, F. (2024). Towards bespoke gas permeability by functionally graded structures in laser-based powder bed fusion of metals. Additive Manufacturing, 94, 104466.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2024). In situ micro-XRCT data set of an open-cell polyurethane foam sample under uniaxial compression load. DaRUS.
- Krach, D., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2024). POREMAPS 1.0.0: Code, benchmarks, applications. DaRUS.
- Krach, D., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2024). POREMAPS: A finite difference based Porous Media Anisotropic Permeability Solver for Stokes flow Preprint.
- Lee, D., Ruf, M., Karadimitriou, N., Steeb, H., Manousidaki, M., Varouchakis, E. A., Tzortzakis, S., & Yiotis, A. (2024). Development of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromodels using additive manufacturing: numerical and experimental validation. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 1.
- Ruf, M. (2023). Experimental multi-scale characterization using micro X-ray computed tomography. In Publication series of the Institute of Applied Mechanics (IAM) (Dissertation No. 14, Institute of Applied Mechanics; Issue 14).
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., Yiotis, A., & Steeb, H. (2023). micro-XRCT datasets of stochastically reconstructed 3D porous media micromodels manufactured by additive manufacturing. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2023). In situ micro-XRCT data sets of an open-cell polyurethane foam sample under combined loading conditions (compression + torsion, tension). DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Taghizadeh, K., & Steeb, H. (2023). micro-XRCT data sets and in situ measured ultrasonic wave propagation of pre-stressed monodisperse rubber and glass particle mixtures with 10%, 20%, 40%, and 60% volume rubber content: sample 1. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., & Steeb, H. (2023). In situ performed fracturing experiment of a limestone sample using an X-ray transparent triaxial cell: micro-XRCT data sets and measurement data. DaRUS.
- Teutsch, T., Gönninger, L., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., & Ressel, W. (2023). Microstructural characterisation and analysis of coarse aggregates in asphalt drill cores. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1–23.
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., & Steeb, H. (2023). A multifunctional mechanical testing stage for micro X-ray computed tomography. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94(8), Article 8.
- Ruf, M. (2023). Experimental multi-scale characterization using micro X-ray computed tomography [Institute of Applied Mechanics, University of Stuttgart].
- Taghizadeh, K., Ruf, M., Luding, S., & Steeb, H. (2023). X-ray 3D imaging--based microunderstanding of granular mixtures: Stiffness enhancement by adding small fractions of soft particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(26), Article 26.
- Lee, D., Ruf, M., Yiotis, A., & Steeb, H. (2023). Numerical investigation results of 3D porous structures using stochastic reconstruction algorithm. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2022). Effects of thermal treatment on acoustic waves in Carrara marble. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 159, 105205.
- Ruf, M., Taghizadeh, K., & Steeb, H. (2022). micro-XRCT data sets and in situ measured ultrasonic wave propagation of a pre-stressed monodisperse rubber and glass particle mixture with 30% volume rubber content. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Hommel, J., & Steeb, H. (2022). Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pressure-saturation relations of porous media - micro-XRCT dataset of medium column (sample 3). DaRUS.
- Hommel, J., Gehring, L., Weinhardt, F., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2022). Effects of Enzymatically Induced Carbonate Precipitation on Capillary Pressure–Saturation Relations. Minerals, 12(10), Article 10.
- Lee, D., Karadimitriou, N., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2022). Detecting micro fractures: a comprehensive comparison of conventional and machine-learning-based segmentation methods. Solid Earth, 13, 1475--1494.
- Ruf, M., Hommel, J., & Steeb, H. (2022). Enzymatically induced carbonate precipitation and its effect on capillary pressure-saturation relations of porous media - micro-XRCT dataset of high column (sample 4). DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Taghizadeh, K., & Steeb, H. (2022). Multi-scale characterization of granular media by in situ laboratory X-ray computed tomography. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 45(3–4), Article 3–4.
- Ruf, M., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Steeb, H., & Ressel, W. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2): sample 2-2. DaRUS.
- Vahid Dastjerdi, S., Steeb, H., Ruf, M., Lee, D., Weinhardt, F., Karadimitriou, N., & Class, H. (2021). micro-XRCT dataset of Enzymatically Induced Calcite Precipitation (EICP) in a microfluidic cell. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Balcewicz, M., Saenger, E. H., & Steeb, H. (2021). Digital rock physics: A geological driven workflow for the segmentation of anisotropic Ruhr sandstone: micro-XRCT data set. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Steeb, H., & Ressel, W. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2). DaRUS.
- Schuck, B., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Ressel, W., Steeb, H., & Ruf, M. (2021). Study of air void topology of asphalt with focus on air void constrictions – a review and research approach. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 1--19.
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., Piotrowski, J., Huisman, J. A., & Steeb, H. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of subflorescent salt crusts from evaporation of MgSO4 solution with 0.96 mol/L initial concentration. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2021). Effects of thermal treatment on acoustic waves in Carrara marble: measurement data. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2021). Effects of Thermal Treatment on Acoustic Waves in Carrara Marble Preprint.
- Chen, Y., Steeb, H., Erfani, H., Karadimitriou, N. K., Walczak, M. S., Ruf, M., Lee, D., An, S., Hasan, S., Connolley, T., Vo, N. T., & Niasar, V. (2021). Nonuniqueness of hydrodynamic dispersion revealed using fast 4D synchrotron x-ray imaging. Science Advances, 7(52), Article 52.
- Lee, D., Karadimitriou, N., Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2021). Detecting micro fractures with X-ray computed tomography.
- Lissa, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., & Quintal, B. (2021). Digital rock physics applied to squirt flow. GEOPHYSICS, 86(4), Article 4.
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., Piotrowski, J., Huisman, J. A., & Steeb, H. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of subflorescent salt crusts from evaporation of MgSO4 solution with 0.64 mol/L initial concentration. DaRUS.
- Balcewicz, M., Siegert, M., Gurris, M., Ruf, M., Krach, D., Steeb, H., & Saenger, E. H. (2021). Digital Rock Physics: A Geological Driven Workflow for the Segmentation of Anisotropic Ruhr Sandstone. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9.
- Ruf, M., Taghizadeh, K., & Steeb, H. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets and in situ measured ultrasonic wave propagation of a pre-stressed monodisperse rubber and glass particle mixture with 50 % volume rubber content. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Steeb, H., Gebert, J., Schneider, R., & Helwig, P. (2021). Sample 1 of human femoral heads: micro-XRCT data sets. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Lee, D., Piotrowski, J., Huisman, J. A., & Steeb, H. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of subflorescent salt crusts from evaporation of MgSO4 solution with 0.32 mol/L initial concentration. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., Teutsch, T., Alber, S., Steeb, H., & Ressel, W. (2021). micro-XRCT data sets of a stone mastic asphalt drill core before and after a uniaxial compression test (sample 2): sample 2-3. DaRUS.
- Lissa, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., & Quintal, B. (2021). Digital rock physics applied to squirt flow. Geophysics, 1--40.
- Hermann, S., Schneider, M., Flemisch, B., Frey, S., Iglezakis, D., Ruf, M., Schembera, B., Seeland, A., & Steeb, H. (2020). Datenmanagement im SFB 1313.
- Schepp, L. L., Ahrens, B., Balcewicz, M., Duda, M., Nehler, M., Osorno, M., Uribe, D., Steeb, H., Nigon, B., Stöckhert, F., Swanson, D. A., Siegert, M., Gurris, M., Saenger, E. H., & Ruf, M. (2020). Digital rock physics and laboratory considerations on a high-porosity volcanic rock: micro-XRCT data sets. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2020). micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network: slow cooling down from 600°C. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2020). micro-XRCT data set of an in-situ flow experiment with an X-ray transparent flow cell. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2020). An open, modular, and flexible micro X-ray computed tomography system for research. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(11), Article 11.
- Ruf, M. (2020). Data Envelopment Analysis zur Effizienzbewertung technischer Systeme am Beispiel von Photovoltaik-Anlagen [Bachelorarbeit]. FernUniversität in Hagen.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2020). micro-XRCT data set of Carrara marble with artificially created crack network: fast cooling down from 600°C. DaRUS.
- Ruf, M., & Steeb, H. (2020). micro-XRCT data set of open-pored asphalt concrete. DaRUS.
- Lissa, S., Ruf, M., Steeb, H., & Quintal, B. (2020, September). Effects of crack roughness on attenuation caused by squirt flow in Carrara marble. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020.
- Martinez Page, M. A., Ruf, M., & Hartmann, S. (2018). Numerical modeling of the thickness dependence of zinc die-cast materials. Computational Mechanics, 62(4), Article 4.
- Ruf, M. (2017). Modellierung der Dickenabhängigkeit einer Zinkdruckguss-Legierung [Masterarbeit]. Technische Universität Clausthal.
- Martinez Page, M. A., Ruf, M., & Hartmann, S. (2017). Modeling and simulation of the thickness dependence in die casting structures. PAMM, 17(1), Article 1.
- Ruf, M. (2014). Charakterisierung von faserverstärkten Halbzeugen aus recycelten Kohlenstofffasern für die Verwendung im Flugzeuginnenraum [Bachelorarbeit]. Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg.
Summer term 2024 | Applied Mechanics II - Numerical Analysis in Mechanics (Lecture + exercise) |
Winter term 2023/24 | Seismic Stress of Buildings (Exercise) |
Summer term 2019 | Engineering Mechanics III/2 - Kinematics and Kinetics and Vibrations of Rigid Bodies (Exercise) |
Winter term 2018/19 | Engineering Mechanics III - Energy Methods of Elastostatics, Introduction to the Mechanics of Incompressible Fluids (Exercise) |
Summer term 2018 | Engineering Mechanics II - Introduction to Elastostatics and the Strength of Materials (Exercise) |
since 01/2018 | Research Assistant at the University of Stuttgart, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair of Continuum Mechanics |
05/2017-12/2017 | Research Assistant at the University of Stuttgart, Institute of Aircraft Design |
10/2014-02/2017 | Master studies in Mechanical Engineering at Clausthal University of Technology - 02/2017 M.Sc. |
03/2014-08/2014 | Internship and Bachelor's Thesis at Composite Technology Center (CTC) GmbH (an Airbus Company) |
04/2013-09/2020 | Bachelor studies in Business Administration and Economics at the FernUnversität in Hagen - 09/2020 B.Sc. |
03/2011-10/2014 | Bachelor studies in Aeronautical Engineering at Hamburg University of Applied Science - 10/2014 B.Eng. |
08/2009-03/2011 | Paramedic at DRK KV Konstanz e.V. (ambulance and emergency rescue service) |
07/2008-07/2009 | Voluntary social year and paramedic training at DRK KV Konstanz e.V. (ambulance and emergency rescue service) |
06/2008 | Abitur at Nellenburg-Gymnasium Stockach |