This image shows Wolfgang Ehlers

Wolfgang Ehlers

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c.

Former Institute Director
Institute of Applied Mechanics (MIB)
Chair of Continuum Mechanics
[Photo: Wolfgang Ehlers]


Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 3.102

Office Hours

by appointment


Continuum Mechanics, especially Theory of Porous Media (TPM), Numerical and Computer-oriented Mechanics

List of selected publications. An extended list can be found at Google Scholar.

J. Wang, A. Sonntag, D. Lee, G. Xotta, V. A. Salomoni, H. Steeb, A. Wagner, W. Ehlers: Modelling and simulation of natural hydraulic fracturing applied to experiments on natural sandstone cores. Acta Geotechnica, accepted for publication 2024.  

W. Ehlers: A Historical Review on Porous-media Research, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 23 (2023), 202300271, 8 pages, open access via DOI:10.1002/pamm.202300271

A. Sonntag, A. Wagner, W. Ehlers: Dynamic Hydraulic Fracturing in Partially Saturated Porous Media,  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 414 (2023), 116121 (34 Pages), published online on 13 June 2023,

A. Wagner, A. Sonntag, S. Reuschen, W. Nowak, W. Ehlers: Hydraulically induced fracturing in heterogeneous porous media using a TPM‐phase‐field model and geostatistics, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22 (2022), 202200118, 6 pages.

W. Ehlers, M. Rehm, P. Schröder, D. Stöhr, A. Wagner: Multiphasic modelling and computation of metastatic lung-cancer cell proliferation and atrophy in brain tissue based on experimental data. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 21 (2022), 277–315,
published online on 17 December 2021, open access via

W. Ehlers, A. Sonntag, A. Wagner: Hydraulic fracturing under fully and partially saturated conditions.
Published in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donetsk National Technical University" (DonNTU), Minutes № 4 from 29.04.2021.
L. Eurich, R. Schott, S. Shahmoradi, A. Wagner, R. I. Borja, A. Roth-Nebelsick, W. Ehlers: A thermodynamically consistent quasi double-porosity thermo-hydro-mechanical model for cell dehydration of plant tissues at subzero temperatures. Archive of Applied Mechanics 92 (2022), 529–557,
published online on 16 April 2021, open access via
W. Ehlers: Darcy, Forchheimer, Brinkman and Richards: Classical hydromechanical equations and their significance in the light of the TPM.  Archive of Applied Mechanics 92 (2022), 619–639, published online on 13 October 2020, open access via

W. Ehlers, S. Bidier: Particle mechanics and micromorphic media. Part II: Kinematic measures and energetic evaluation. International Journal of Solids and Stuctures 198 (2020), 72–86.

W. Ehlers, S. Bidier: From particle mechanics to micromorphic media. Part I: Homogenisation of discrete interactions towards stress quantities. International Journal of Solids and Stuctures. International Journal of Solids and Stuctures 187 (2020), 23–37.
DOI 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.08.013

W. Ehlers, S. Bidier: Cosserat Media. In H. Altenbach und A. Öchsner (eds): Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2020, pp. 436–446.

W. Ehlers, A. Wagner: Coupled problems in biological systems. In H. Altenbach und A. Öchsner (eds): Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2020, pp. 453–4 65.

Y. Zhang, D. M. Pedroso, L. Li, A. Scheuermann, W. Ehlers: Accurate and stablised time integration strategy for saturated porous media dynamics. Acta Geotechnica 15 (2020), 1859–1 879.

W. Ehlers, A. Wagner: Modelling and Simulation Methods Applied to Coupled Problems in Porous-media Mechanics, Archive of Applied Mechanics 89 (2019), 609–628.

W. Ehlers, C. Luo: A phase-field approach embedded in the Theory of Porous Media for the description of dynamic hydraulic fracturing. Part II: The crack-opening indicator. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 341 (2018), 429–442.

W. Ehlers: Effective Stresses in Multiphasic Porous Media: A thermodynamic investigation of a fully non-linear model with compressible and incompressible constituents. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 15 (2018), 35–46.

D. Fink, A. Wagner, W. Ehlers: Application-driven model reduction for the simulation of therapeutic infusion processes in multi-component brain tissue. Journal of Computational Science 24 (2018), 101–115.

Y. Zhang, D. M. Pedroso, L. Li, W. Ehlers: FDM solutions to linear dynamics of porous media: Efficiency, stability, and parallel solution strategy. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 112 (2017), 1539–1563.

W. Ehlers, C. Luo: A phase-field approach embedded in the Theory of Porous Media for the description of dynamic hydraulic fracturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 315 (2017), 348–368.

D. M. Pedroso, Y. Zhang, W. Ehlers: Solution of liquid-gas-solid coupled equations for porous media considering dynamics and hysteretic retention behavior. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143 (2017), 04017021.

Y. Zhang, D. M. Pedroso, W. Ehlers: One-dimensional dynamics of saturated porous media: analytical solutions and influence of inertia terms. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 40 (2016), 2489–2513.

W. Ehlers, K. Häberle: Interfacial mass transfer during gas-liquid phase change in deformable porous media with heat transfer. Transport in Porous Media 114 (2016), 525–556.

S. Zinatbakhsh, K. C. Park, B. Markert, W. Ehlers: Partitioned formulation and stability analysis of a fluid interacting with a saturated porous medium by localised Lagrange multipliers, International Journal of Numerical Methods in
Engineering 106 (2016), 1071–1099.

W. Ehlers, A.Wagner: Multi-component modelling of human brain tissue: a contribution to the constitutive and computational description of deformation, flow and diffusion processes with application to the invasive drug-delivery problem, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 18 (2015), 861–879.

J. Mabuma, M. Schwarze, C. Hurschler, B. Markert, W. Ehlers: Effects of Osteoarthritis and Pathological Walking on Contact Stresses in Femoral Cartilage, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 14 (2015), 1167–1180.

T. K. Rupp, W. Ehlers, N. Karajan, M. Günther, S. Schmitt: A forward dynamics simulation of human lumbar spine flexion predicting the load sharing of intervertebral discs, ligaments, and muscles, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 14 (2015). 1081–1105.

C. Bleiler, A. Wagner, V. Stadelmann, M. Windolf, H. Köstler, A. Bo ger, B. Gueorguiev-Rüegg, W. Ehlers, O. Röhrle: Multiphasic modelling of bone-cement injections into vertebral cancellous bone. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 31 (2015), 37–57.

N. Karajan, D. Otto, S. Oladyshkin, W. Ehlers: Application of the polynomial chaos expansion to approximate the homogenised response of the intervertebral disc. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 13 (2014), 1065–1080.

Y. Heider, O. Avci, B. Markert, W. Ehlers: The dynamic response of fluidsaturated porous materials with application to seismically induced soil liquefaction. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 63 (2014), 120–137.

W. Ehlers, M. Schenke, B. Markert: Liquifaction phenomena in fluid-saturated soil based on the Theory of Porous Media and the framework of elasto-plasticity. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM) 94 (2014), 668–677.

W. Ehlers: Porous media in the light of history. In E. Stein (editor): The History of Theoretical, Material and Computational Mechanics – Mathematics meets Mechanics and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (LAMM), Vol. 1, Springer, Heidelberg 2014, pp. 211–227.

W. Ehlers, S. Zinatbakhsh, B. Markert: Stability analysis of finite different schemes revisted: a study of decoupled solution strategies for coupled multi-field problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 94 (2013), 758–786.

N. Karajan, O. Röhrle, W. Ehlers, S. Schmitt: Linking continuous and discrete intervertebral disc models through homogenisation. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 12 (2013), 453–466.

W. Ehlers, O. Avci: Stress-dependent hardening and failure surfaces of dry sand. International Journal for Analytical and Numerical Methods in Geomechanics 37 (2013), 787-809.

Y. Heider, B. Markert, W. Ehlers: Dynamic wave propagation in infinite saturated porous media half spaces. Computational Mechanics 49 (2012), 319–336.

H.-U. Rempler, C. Wieners, W. Ehlers: Efficiency Comparison of an Augmented Finite Element Formulation with Standard Return Mapping Algorithms for Elastic-inelastic Materials. Computational Mechanics 48 (2011), 551–562.

W. Ehlers, O. Avci, B. Markert: Computation of slope movements initiated by rain-induced shear bands in small-scale tests and in situ. Vadose Zone Journal 10 (2011), 512–5 25.

B. Markert, Y. Heider, W. Ehlers: Comparison of monolithic and splitting solution schemes for dynamic porous media problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82 (2010), 1341–1383.

W. Ehlers, A. Acartürk, N. Karajan: Advances in modelling saturated biological soft tissues and chemically active gels. Archive of Applied Mechanics 80 (2010), 467–478.

W. Ehlers, B. Markert, O. Röhrle: Computational continuum biomechanics with application to swelling media and growth phenomena. GAMM-Mitteilungen 32 (2009), 135–156.

W. Ehlers: Challenges of porous media models in geo- and biomechanical engineering including electro-chemically active polymers and gels. International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics 1 (2009), 1–24.

W. Ehlers, A. Acartürk: The role of weakly imposed Dirichlet boundary conditions for numerically stable computations of swelling phenomena. Computational Mechanics 43 (2009), 545–5 57.

W. Ehlers, N. Karajan, B. Markert: An extended biphasic model for charged hydrated tissues with application to the intervertebral disc. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 8 (2009), 233–251.

S. Freiboth, H. Class, T. Graf, W. Ehlers, V. Schwarz, C. Vrettos: A model for multiphase flow and transport in porous media including a phenomenological approach to account for deformation – a model concept and its validation within a code intercomparison study. Computational Geosciences 13 (2009), 281–300.

B. Markert, B. Monastyrskyy, W. Ehlers: Fluid penetration effects in porous media contact. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 20 (2008) 303–315.

W. Ehlers, B. Scholz: An inverse algorithm for the identification and sensitivity analysis of the parameters governing micropolar elasto-plastic granular material. Archive of Applied Mechanics 77 (2007), 911–931.

W. Ehlers, N. Karajan, B. Markert: A porous media model describing the inhomogeneous behaviour of the human intervertebral disc. Materials Science and Materials Technology 37 (2006), 546–551.

A. Zolochevsky, E. Yeseleva, W. Ehlers: An anisotropic model of damage for brittle materials with different behavior in tension and compression. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 69 (2005), 170–180.

C. Wieners, M. Ammann, T. Graf, W. Ehlers: Parallel Krylov methods and the application to 3-d simulations of a triphasic porous media model in soil mechanics. Computational Mechanics 36 (2005), 409–420.

W. Ehlers, T. Graf, M. Ammann: Deformation and localization analysis of partially saturated soil. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (2004), 2885–2910.

C. Wieners, M. Ammann, W. Ehlers: Distributed Point Objects: a new concept for parallel finite elements applied to a geomechanical problem. Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (2006), 532–535.

G. D. A. D’Addetta, E. Ramm, S. Diebels, W. Ehlers: A particle center based homogenization strategy for particle assemblies. Engineering Computations 21 (2004), 360–383.

W. Ehlers, E. Ramm, S. Diebels, G. D. A. D’Addetta: From particle ensembles to Cosserat continua: homogenization of contact forces towards stresses and couple stresses. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40 (2003), 6681–6702.

W. Ehlers, B. Markert: A macroscopic finite strain model for cellular polymers. International Journal of Plasticity 19 (2003), 961–976.

W. Ehlers, P. Blome: A triphasic model for unsaturated soils based on the Theory of Porous Media. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 37 (2003), 507–513.

W. Ehlers: Foundations of multiphasic and porous materials. In W. Ehlers, J. Bluhm (Herausgeber): Porous Media: Theory, Experiments and Numerical Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2002, pp. 3–86.

C. Wieners, M. Ammann, S. Diebels, W. Ehlers: Parallel 3-d simulations for porous media models in soil mechanics. Computational Mechanics 29 (2002), 75–87.

W. Ehlers, M. Ammann, S. Diebels: h-adaptive FE methods applied to single and multiphase problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 54 (2002), 219–2 39.

S. Diebels, W. Ehlers, T. Michelitsch: Particle simulations as a microscopic approach to a Cosserat continuum. Journal de Physique IV France 11 (2001), 203–210.

W. Ehlers, P. Ellsiepen, M. Ammann: Time- and space-adaptive methods applied to localization phenomena in empty and saturated micropolar and standard porous materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 52
(2001), 503–526.

W. Ehlers, B. Markert: A linear viscoelastic biphasic model for soft tissues based on the Theory of Porous Media. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 123 (2001), 418–424.

W. Ehlers, H. Müllerschön: Parameter identification of a macroscopic granular soil model applied to dense Berlin sand. Granular Matter 2 (2000), 105–112.

W. Ehlers, B. Markert: On the viscoelastic behaviour of fluid-saturated porous materials. Granular Matter 2 (2000), 153–161.

W. Ehlers, A. Droste: A continuum model for highly porous aluminium foam. Technische Mechanik 19 (1999), 341–350.

W. Ehlers, W. Volk: Localization phenomena in liquid-saturated and empty porous solids. Transport in Porous Media 34 (1999), 159–177.

W. Ehlers, G. Eipper: Finite elastic deformations in liquid-saturated and empty porous solids. Transport in Porous Media 34 (1999), 179–191.

S. Diebels, P. Ellsiepen, W. Ehlers: Error-controlled Runge-Kutta time integration of a viscoplastic hybrid two-phase model. Technische Mechanik 19 (1999), 19–27.

W. Ehlers, S. Diebels, W. Volk: Deformation and compatibility for elastoplastic micropolar materials with application to geomechanical problems. Journal de Physique IV France 8 (1998), 127–134.

W. Ehlers, W. Volk: On theoretical and numerical methods in the theory of porous media based on polar and non-polar solid materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 35 (1998), 4597–4616.

W. Ehlers, G. Eipper: The simple tension problem at large volumetric strains computed from finite hyperelastic material laws. Acta Mechanica 130 (1998), 17–27.

W. Ehlers, W. Volk: On shear band localization phenomena of liquid-saturated granular elasto-plastic porous solid materials accounting for fluid viscosity and micropolar solid rotations. Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials 2 (1997), 301–320.

W. Ehlers: Grundlegende Konzepte in der Theorie poröser Medien. Technische Mechanik 16 (1996), 63–76.

S. Diebels, W. Ehlers: On basic equations of multiphase micropolar materials. Technische Mechanik 16 (1996), 77–88.

S. Diebels, W. Ehlers: Dynamic analysis of a fully saturated porous medium accounting for geometrical and material non-linearities. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 39 (1996), 81–97.

W. Ehlers: A single-surface yield function for geomaterials. Archive of Applied Mechanics 65 (1995), 246 – 259.

W. Ehlers, J. Kubik: On finite dynamic equations for fluid-saturated porous media. Acta Mechanica 105 (1994), 101–117.

W. Ehlers: Constitutive equations for granular materials in geomechanical context. In K. Hutter (Editor): Continuum Mechanics in Environmental Sciences and Geophysics, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 337, Springer-Verlag, Wien 1993,
pp. 313–402.

W. Ehlers: Compressible, incompressible and hybrid two-phase models in porous media theories. In Y. C. Angel (Editor): Anisotrpy and Inhomogeneity in Elasticity and Plasticity, ASME: AMD-Vol. 158 (1993), 25–38.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers, Z. Liu: One-dimensional transient wave-propagation in fluid-saturated incompressible porous media. Archive of Applied Mechanics 63 (1993), 59–72.

W. Ehlers: An elastoplasticity model in porous media theories. Transport in Porous Media 9 (1992), 49–59.

W. Ehlers: Toward finite theories of liquid-saturated elasto-plastic porous media. International Journal of Plasticity 7 (1991), 433–475.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers: The development of the concept of effective stresses. Acta Mechanica 83 (1990), 77–92.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers: Uplift, friction and capillarity – three fundamental effects for liquid-saturated porous media. International Journal of Solids and Structures 26 (1990), 43–57.

W. Ehlers: On thermodynamics of elasto-plastic porous media. Archives of Mechanics 41 (1989), 73–93.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers: Auftrieb und Reibung in flüssigkeitsgefüllten porösen Körpern – eine Klarstellung. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 68 (1988), 567–572.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers: A historical review of the formulation of porous media theories. Acta Mechanica 74 (1988), 1–8.

R. de Boer, W. Ehlers: On the problem of fluid- and gas-filled elasto-plastic porous solids. International Journal of Solids and Structures 22 (1986), 1231–1242.



  Professional Career
1979 Diploma (MSc) in Civil Engineering at the University of Hannover
1979-1989 Assistant Lecturer at the University of Essen (since 2003 University of Duisburg-Essen), Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reint de Boer)
1989-1991 Lecturer of Mechanics at the University of Essen (since 2003 University of Duisburg-Essen), Department of Civil Engineering
1991-1995 Associate Professor of Continuum Mechanics at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Mechanics
1995-2019 Full Professor of Continuum Mechanics at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Surveying, since 2002 Civil and Environmental Engineering
since 2019 Professor Emeritus
  Internal and External Positions
1994-1995 Chairman of the Department of Mechanics, Technical University of Darmstadt
1998-2000 Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University of Stuttgart
2000-2003 Elected Member of the Senate of the University of Stuttgart
2000-2004 Expert Peer Reviewer of Applied Mechanics for the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2000-2006 Member of the Executive Board of the Collaborative Research Centre "Multifield Problems in Continuum Mechanics" (SFB 404)
2002-2008 Elected Member of the Senate and the Joint Committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2003-2006 Vice Rector for Organisation at the University of Stuttgart
2003-2014 Initiator and Conductor of the GAMM Activity Group Biomechanics
2007-2018 Executive Director of the Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech) and the Stuttgart Centre of Simulation Science (SC SimTech), Coordinator and Spokesman of the Cluster of Excellence "Simulation Technology" (ExC 310 SimTech)
2011-2016 President Elect, President and Past President of the International Society of Porous Media (InterPore)
2011-2019 Vice Secretary, President and Vice President of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
since 2011 Member of the Advisory Board of ASC(S (Automotive Simulation Centre Stuttgart)
2014-2019 Member of the Review Board 410 "Construction Engineering and Architecture" of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  Professional Offers, Awards and Recognitions
1990 Gottschalk-Diederich-Baedeker Award for the habilitation thesis "Porous Media - a Continuum-mechanical Model based on the Theory of Mixtures" (in German)
1991 Offer of an Associate Professorship of Continuum Mechanics at the Technical University of Darmstadt
1993 Offer of a Full Professorship of Applied Mechanics at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
1994 Offer of a Full Professorship of Continuum Mechanics at the University of Stuttgart
1998 Offer of a Full Professorship of Continuum Mechanics at the Ruhr-University Bochum
2016 Conferment of an Honorary Doctorate (Dr. h. c.) from the National Technical University of Donezk (DonNTU) at Pokrowsk, Ukraine

II-1 Gernot Eipper: Theorie und Numerik finiter elastischer Deformationen in fluidgesättigten porösen Festkörpern, 1998.

II-2 Wolfram Volk: Untersuchung des Lokalisierungsverhaltens mikropolarer poröser Medien mit Hilfe der Cosserat-Theorie, 1999.

II-3 Peter Ellsiepen: Zeit- und ortsadaptive Verfahren angewandt auf Mehrphasenprobleme poröser Medien, 1999.

II-4 Stefan Diebels: Mikropolare Zweiphasenmodelle: Formulierung auf der Basis der Theorie Poröser Medien, 2000.

II-5 Dirk Mahnkopf: Lokalisierung fluidgesättigter poröser Festkörper bei finiten elasto-plastischen Deformationen, 2000.

II-6 Heiner Müllerschön: Spannungs-Verformungsverhalten granularer Materialien am Beispiel von Berliner Sand, 2000.

II-7 Stefan Diebels (Ed.): Zur Beschreibung komplexen Materialverhaltens: Beiträge anläßlich des 50. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Ehlers, 2001.

II-8 Jack Widjajakusuma: Quantitative Prediction of Effective Material Parameters of Heterogeneous Materials, 2002.

II-9 Alexander Droste: Beschreibung und Anwendung eines elastisch-plastischen Materialmodells mit Schädigung für hochporöse Metallschäume, 2002.

II-10 Peter Blome: Ein Mehrphasen-Stoffmodell für Böden mit Übergang auf Interface-Gesetze, 2003.

II-11 Martin Ammann: Parallel Finite Element Simulations of Localization Phenomena in Porous Media, 2005.

II-12 Bernd Markert: Porous Media Viscoelasticity with Application to Polymeric Foams, 2005.

II-13 Saeed Reza Ghadiani: A Multiphasic Continuum Mechanical Model for Design Investigations of an Effusion-Cooled Rocket Thrust Chamber, 2005.

II-14 Wolfgang Ehlers & Bernd Markert (Eds.): Proceedings of the 1st GAMM Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics, 2005.

II-15 Bernd Scholz: Application of a Micropolar Model to the Localization Phenomena in Granular Materials: General Model, Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Optimization, 2007.

II-16 Wolfgang Ehlers & Nils Karajan (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd GAMM Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics, 2007.

II-17 Tobias Graf: Multiphasic Flow Processes in Deformable Porous Media under Consideration of Fluid Phase Transitions, 2008.

II-18 Ayhan Acartürk: Simulation of Charged Hydrated Porous Materials, 2009.

II-19 Nils Karajan: An Extended Biphasic Description of the Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Intervertebral Disc, 2009.

II-20 Bernd Markert: Weak or Strong – On Coupled Problems In Continuum Mechanics, 2010.

II-21 Wolfgang Ehlers & Bernd Markert (Eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd GAMM Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics, 2012.

II-22 Wolfgang Ehlers: Poröse Medien - ein kontinuumsmechanisches Modell auf der Basis der Mischungstheorie, 2012. Nachdruck der Habilitationsschrift aus dem Jahr 1989 (Forschungsberichte aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen der Universität-GH-Essen 47, Essen 1989).

II-23 Hans-Uwe Rempler: Damage in multi-phasic Materials Computed with the Extended Finite-Element Method, 2012.

II-24 Irina Komarova: Carbon-Dioxide Storage in the Subsurface: A Fully Coupled Analysis of Transport Phenomena and Solid Deformation, 2012.

II-25 Yousef Heider: Saturated Porous Media Dynamics with Application to Earthquake Engineering, 2012.

II-26 Okan Avci: Coupled Deformation and Flow Processes of Partial Saturated Soil: Experiments, Model Validation and Numerical Investigations, 2013.

II-27 Arndt Wagner: Extended Modelling of the Multiphasic Human Brain Tissue with Application to Drug-Infusion Processes, 2014.

II-28 Joffrey Mabuma: Multi-Field Modelling and Simulation of the Human Hip Joint, 2014.

II-29 Robert Krause: Growth, Modelling and Remodelling of Biological Tissue, 2014.

II-30 Seyedmohammad Zinatbakhsh: Coupled Problems in the Mechanics of Multi-Physics and Multi-Phase Materials, 2015.

II-31 David Koch: Thermomechanical Modelling of Non-isothermal Porous Materials with Application to Enhanced Geothermal Systems, 2016.

II-32 Maik Schenke: Parallel Simulation of Volume-coupled Multi-field Problems with Special Application to Soil Dynamics, 2017.

II-33 Steffen Mauthe: Variational Multiphysics Modeling of Diffusion in Elastic Solids and Hydraulic Fracturing in Porous Media, 2017.

II-34 Kai Häberle: Fluid-Phase Transitions in a Multiphasic Model of CO 2 Sequestration into Deep Aquifers: A fully coupled analysis of transport phenomena and solid deformation, 2017.

II-35 Chenyi Luo: A Phase-field Model Embedded in the Theory of Porous Media with Application to Hydraulic Fracturing, 2018.

II-36 Sami Bidier: From Particle Mechanics to Micromorphic Continua, 2019.

II-37 Davina Fink: Model Reduction applied to Finite-Element Techniques for the Solution of Porous-Media Problems, 2019.

II-38 Jan Lukas Eurich: A quasi-double-porosity thermo-hydro-mechanical model with application to plant tissues, 2021. 

II-39 Arndt Wagner: Continuum Mechanics of Multicomponent Materials – Modelling, Numerics and Applications for Biological Materials in the Framework of the Theory of Porous Media, 2021.

II-40 Alixa Sonntag: Partially Saturated Porous Solids under Dynamic Hydraulic Fracturing, 2023.

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